Hiromi Sato

Hiromi Sato

Harvard University Center for African Studies - Yenching Institute Visiting Fellow '19-'20
Hiromi Sato Profile Picture

Hiromi SATO is a Ph.D. candidate at Department of Advanced International and Social Studies, the University of Tokyo. Also, he currently teaches International Organization as a part-time lecturer at Tokai University, Kanagawa, Japan. He received B.A. (International Politics) from Aoyama Gakuin University and M.A. (International Relations) from the University of Tokyo. And he is now working on the Ph.D. dissertation about conditions for making political effects of ethnicities maximum / minimum on their national self-determination under the international territorial administration. His research focuses on the historical case studies: the UN-monitored plebiscites over the territorial disputes under the British and French trusteeship territories of Togo and Cameroons during 1955-1961. During his stay at Harvard Center for African Studies as a HYI African Studies Training Program Fellows, he will be working on “Resonance between International Administration and Early Political Organization under the UN trusteeship territories in West Africa.“