Hutchins Center Seminar Series: “Going to their Own Country:” Black Mariners and Shipboard Life in the Bahian Slave Trade


Friday, February 1, 2019, 12:00pm to 2:00pm


104 Mt. Auburn Street 3R, Seminar Room

Mary Hicks will present "Going to their Own Country:” Black Mariners and Shipboard Life in the Bahian Slave Trade"

The second chapter of her book manuscript will be discussed and it details multifaceted forms of agency exercised by enslaved African and creole mariners aboard slaving vessels in the mid to late 18th century, arguing that mariners were not only agents in transforming their own lives, but were in fact agents in the Atlantic world more broadly. 

***This event features pre-circulated paper available upon request at after January 25th, 2019***

ORGANIZER: Hutchins Center